How to win any battle?

Anything is Possible
Anything is Possible

“Now if you are going to win any battle you have to do one thing.  You have to make the mind run the body.  Never let the body tell the mind what to do.  The body will always give up.  It is always tired in the morning, noon and night.  But the body is never tired if the mind is not tired.”
George S. Patton, U.S. Army General, 1912 Olympian

Loch Ness Marathon

I signed up for my third marathon a few weeks ago and I started my training this week.  I am doing the Loch Ness Marathon, Inverness, Scotland, UK on Sunday, 29 September 2013.  I previously completed the New York Marathon in 2007 and the London Marathon in 2010, both I found very challenging but also remarkably rewarding and fulfilling in terms of committing to a specific goal and achieving it.  When I completed my first marathon it really did give me the belief that “anything IS possible” if you put your mind to it and do what you need to do everyday to get there.  I am excited about doing the Loch Ness Marathon this year because I feel I am experienced enough now to totally relax and enjoy the whole experience, I know it will still be physically and mentally challenging but I am prepared for that.  After I complete this third marathon I am going to give each of my marathon medals to my nephew Sean (9 years), niece Megan (6 years) and niece Carmen (1.5 years) – I want them to receive these medals in the hope that it will inspire them to believe in themselves and go out and achieve anything they want in their lives, so I really do need to get that third marathon medal!!


I have been reflecting a lot recently (well actually, I reflect all the time, so nothing new there really 🙂 )  I have been thinking about what really works for me in terms of achieving my own goals and below is a list of what works for me:

  • Firstly, I need to want to do something, I have to see the real benefit and purpose in doing it or I will not fully commit.  My goal has to be meaningful to me and be in alignment with my core values. It also has to be my goal and definitely NOT someone else’s goal unless I am in fully alignment with their idea/goal.
  • Once I have decided that I want to do something, I then make a full commitment to doing it, without a real commitment there will be no real follow-through to the end, so I know I need to fully commit.  Commitment to me is doing whatever it takes to get there, not in a unselfish or mean way, in a “I can do this” way.
  • Next I need to do some research into what I need to do to ‘make it happen’, I research into who has done it before, what the experts say, what do I need to know that will help me on my way.
  • Then I need to make a plan of action to ensure I commit to what needs to be done, this plan of action is a structural stepping stone for me, I have realised that if I have an easy and simple daily structure to follow I will do that – simple, visual diagrams and charts work best for me.  I put the new learning into practice and tick off my daily achievements along the way – for me this definitely works!!
  • I also ensure I measure my progress along the way, What were things like at the start?, Where am I now in terms of progress? and How close am I getting to my desired goal?
  • I also like to celebrate my mini successes along the way, this is the fun part and I am also very mindful of “enjoying the journey” and having gratitude for what I am progressing towards and achieving in my life.
  • Another important aspect of me achieving my goals is, in some way to inspire others to work towards and achieve their goals, “if I can do it, then YOU can do it“, that really is an important one for me.
  • Throughout the whole process I know I have to stay super focused to get to the end goal, I constantly visualise succeeding and celebrating my achievement.  I am a highly visionary person, so I find this one quite easy, I imagine and picture in tiny details me achieving my goal, what I am wearing, who I am speaking to, how it feels, I visualise every specific detail of the end result.   I 100% know this is one of the most important steps in helping me get there – it keeps the dream/goal alive inside of me, and gives me that “never give up” attitude.
  • I am a confident and determined individual and I know that from my past experiences anything I have put my mind to achieving I always have, I know I am a “High Say” “High Do” person and I set high standards for myself.

The above are just some things that I do towards achieving my goals, for you it may be slightly different or a lot different and I would love to hear, What works for you?

Whatever you do today, may it take you closer to your dreams and goals in life, YOU have the ability to achieve whatever YOU want to achieve, BELIEVE that, SEE that, YOU are the creator of your own reality…..GO NOW MAKE IT HAPPEN FOR YOU!!

Much love to you today, as always and thank you for reading this post, Clarabelle.

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3 thoughts on “How to win any battle?

  1. I think that this is a great list for the steps in achieving your goals, very similar to mine. Where I fall down sometimes is that very first step, is having a real purpose or benefit in getting there. If you have that, the rest of the steps are much easier. I suppose it is a bit like Stephen Covey’s second habit “begin with the end in mind”.
    Have a great weekend.


    1. Hi Elizabeth, thank you for your comments, I love Stephen Covey’s principles I believe they really work for me. Start with the end in mind… very true indeed 🙂 Wishing you a very beautiful weekend too. Love Clarabelle


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