Magical Light

good energy and kind heart

In the depths

of darkness

we find our

magical light


You become the best of you, at the most unexpected challenging times.

It is when life gets tough, your real strength rises.

You are so powerful and empowering at the same time.

You inspire so many people with your good energy and kind heart.

Your magical light is shining through the darkest of clouds today.

Love Clarabelle 🦋

Remember this…

for wonderful you






There is something so very special inside of you and you have access to it any moment of any day.

Wonderful you and all your magic, make today magical in every way.

The beauty of the stars are there for you – remember to look up!

Love Clarabelle 🦋

Beyond Hurt…

stronger you

Beyond hurt…

is a stronger you

~clarabelle 🦋

Tough days don’t last forever 🤍

It’s okay, not to be okay…

Know this…you are so much stronger than you realise and so much greater than you dare to believe.

I’m with you 🤍

Love Clarabelle

The Greatest Discovery

stay special

In the greatest

discovery of life

you will find you

~Clarabelle 🦋

Many years and millions of moments…it all comes back to you.

Wonderful you, stay special, for you truly are.

Love Clarabelle 🦋


live your life

You’ve got to
be confident
in your dreams,
hopes and desires

Believe in you
in all that you do

Inspire your
own heart first
then inspire others

It all starts with you…

Bask in your
own sunshine
others will soon
feel the light
of your warmth

~Clarabelle 🦋

You need to do it your way, even if no one understands, your way matters most.

This is your life to be lived and yours alone.

I see you there – you sparkle so much.

Love Clarabelle 🦋


feel the feelings

Believing before seeing does work and I am living proof of that, but I know it is not easy to practice this.

In order to achieve this, you’ve got to focus on the ‘feeling’ of having achieved that thing you want. 

I especially have been more aligned to this set up in the last few weeks and I am starting to notice some miracle outcomes.

I produced a greetings card many years ago, based on this concept.  It’s entitled, “Feel Happy”.

Remember, focus on the ‘feeling’ with ease and happiness and let go of any negative thoughts that creep in.

You are here to live your best life and that’s where your focus should be.

My favourite person to learn from on this subject is Esther Hicks – I listen to her teachings daily and it helps to keep my ‘believing’ mindset strong.

There are many paths to greatness that will work for you and it’s important you do what works best for you.

Great things are coming for you and I know that because you are here and we are aligned.

Seek the beauty in each day – it’s all there for you.

Love Clarabelle 🦋

Your Magical Heart 💖

stayed blessed

I trusted my magical heart last week 💖

In just 4 days, I wrote my new poetry book, Poetic Whispers, Volume I.

It contains 133 pages of heart magic.

That’s the kind of fast power your magical heart has.

It’s now in the hands of some famous book publishers…let’s see what magic takes place.

Your magical heart time is now 💖

I want you to believe that.

Stay blessed and beautiful, because you are.

Clarabelle 🦋


be brave

In life we choose

the steps to take

forward or back

it’s ours to make


Be brave and align

with who you are

your inner guide

will take you far

~Clarabelle 🦋

Heart Power

I believe your ‘Heart Power’ is stronger than any mind power because ‘Heart Power’ is that undeniable, unbreakable chain of love, bonded with your soul.

The real essence of you, is your ‘Heart Power’ – the mind and body are just ways we use to express this.

‘Heart Power’ – you never need to think about, it’s just naturally there, living and breathing within you.

When you truly let your ‘Heart Power’ grow – there are no limits.

It’s my ‘Heart Power’ that speaks with you today.

May your day be fully connected to your own ‘Heart Power’.

Miracles will happen.

Clarabelle 🦋

True Soul

wise callings

One day, you’ll just decide to do that ‘thing’.

It might takes years for that moment to come, but it will come.

Your current life experiences are building up to that moment and you’ll fight many inner battles to get there.

Focus on your internal wins, for they are much more powerful than anything outside of you.

You can’t be bought forever, your true soul won’t allow that.

Have a chat with yourself today, you know these wise callings speak truth.

Love Clarabelle 🦋

No Return

your magic awaits

Your magic awaits

When you’ve reached the point of ‘no return’ it’s just a matter of time before you make it.

Beyond the horizon, there’s a new mountain to climb, but the view from the top is the best.

Your magic awaits and I see you sparkle.

Love Clarabelle 🦋

Turn the Page

the page of life

As I turn the page of life, I read a different story.

It’s my choice how it ends.

It’s my decision how it starts.

You can come too, but it has to be what you want.

What do you really want?

I feel you are close.

Come with me

May your day be filled with the right choices and decisions that help you move closer to your dreams.

Love Clarabelle 🦋

Stay Strong..

you are loved

Life can be tough

the weather may be rough

but stay strong

find the inner strength

to carry on…

You or someone you know may need these words today.

May you always believe you can win.

Much love

Clarabelle 🦋

Serenity to Serendipty

a magical sunlight

I have written hundreds of poems and quotes etc….below is a favourite of mine. 

Let the words speak to you…

Serenity awakens
in a peaceful night
Serendipity exudes
a magical sunlight

May your day be filled with serene and serendipitous moments.

Much love to you always

Clarabelle 🦋

Take a Break

take a break

Take a Break by Clarabelle Cards

I got a lovely surprise yesterday, when one of my UK customers bought this Take a Break card as an alternative birthday card for their family member…..

Where did I ship it?..

Beautiful Thailand 💙

I was so delighted….that the Clarabelle Brand has come so far in 10 years….yes over 10 years it’s been going..can you believe it!

I shared this with you today because I want you to read the words on the card….I feel you were meant to read them today.

Take good care of yourself.

Love Clarabelle 🦋

Making Moments

heartfelt and true

Life is about making precious moments with those we love. 

Take time out of your busy life to foster the important relationships that make you feel super warm and lovely inside.

This poem is for you…

Making Moments

and true,
special time
with you,
is my
the love
you do bring.

Simple yet powerful!

Thank you for being here…

Love Clarabelle

I Am Grateful

Light of hope

This is one affirmation that can combat any stressful moment because being grateful is THEE moment.

I faithfully say my grateful affirmations every morning and night. I awaken each morning with light of hope and end my day with peace of heart.

I encourage you to carry gratitude with you, as you go about your day.

I am grateful for your presence.

Thank you.


Your Path Ahead

Let the energy of the sun uplift you

Your path ahead looks pretty amazing.


If only you could see the greatness that lies ahead for you.

Hold a future vision of living a fulfilling life with passion and purpose.

Believe that every step you take, leads you to your dreams.

As you progress through your life today, make each step count. All you have to do is focus on each single step and in no time a brighter horizon will form.

Don’t dwell on the grey skies, for then it will surely rain. Seek the blue above and let the energy of the sun uplift you.



Grey Skies Blue

Celebrate your efforts

Turn your grey skies blue.


Think of one thing you can do today to turn your grey skies blue.

Be your own light of hope.

No one can save you but YOU – please read that one again.

Life can knock you down a thousand times, and it probably will. But the most important thing is for you to never accept that failure is forever.

Failure is not a word that I like to ever use, because I choose not to believe in it. I much prefer to put a positive spin on things not going your way.

Where you tried, celebrate your efforts for giving it a go. I am sure there are many valuable lessons that you took away from the experience. You might have gained a better perspective on life or achieved clarity.

If you went for it and then decided it wasn’t for you – I salute you!

The blue skies are coming.



Winning Mindset

Build a winning mindset

There is so much power in the accumulation of small wins.


Focus on achieving those wins everyday, no matter how small they may seem.

Build a winning mindset by what you do everyday.

The more wins you put your mind to, the more powerful you become.

Regain your self-power by winning on your daily tasks and goals.

The more you win today, the more you win tomorrow.

Keep that momentum going and stay on the winning side.


The Rain

There is a lot to be thankful for.

The rain does not drench the exquisite beauty of a rose.

Even on the rainiest of days, there is a lot to be thankful for.

“The sun was forecast to shine all day today but the weather took an unsurprising turn and it rained non-stop.”

a.k.a. “LIFE”

There are just some things that we cannot control, but we can control how we respond to them. My message to you is:

“Dance in the rain, regardless.”

a.k.a “LIFE”

Respond to life with love, joy, happiness and enthusiasm. If things don’t go your way, move on swiftly with a smile and a plan.

A great life, is truly up to you.

I see you there, dancing in the rain.


Focussed Energy

Are you ready?

In focussed energy, we find our future.

If you really want to change your current status, you have to channel all your energies into making that happen.

You have to go ALL IN , in order to get ALL OUT, of any unwanted situation.

It seriously is up to you and you’ve got to have real clarity on what you’re going to do everyday, in order to make that positive change.

Do the work and stay totally focussed on the goal in hand. It may also help to have an emotional trigger that will keep you on track.

Work, work, work on your plan, as much as you can, and in time, your efforts WILL pay off.

If it means, getting up at 4am every morning to fit the work in, then do it.

Your energy is so mighty and powerful, it can help you achieve so much more than you think.

Are you ready? If you are, you will feel a different person from within. You will switch into ‘gladiator’ mode and nothing will stop you until you get there.

I’m in gladiator mode, are you?



Live in each moment

In the spirit of self-success – RISE

In the spirit of self-succes – RISE!

Be open to the abundance of opportunities around you and use your inner strength and determination to raise your game.

You deserve a GREAT life and you deserve to be truly successful in the pursuit of your dreams

If you’re really serious about it, you’ll do all that you can to ‘make it happen’.

The Universe will serve you well, if you serve you well and by that I mean, honouring your core values, every step of the way.

You will never take a wrong path by aligning to who you truly are and what you stand for.

The door to your best self is only a few steps of bravery away.

Live in each moment and commit to conquering any inner fears that come your way.

There is only ever one battle in life and that is the inner battle of where you stand and where you want to get to.

Believe me, without self-sabotage you would be there already, so I guess that’s a great place to start.

Don’t believe everything you think – especially the negative stuff, for that will only take you backwards.

Forge forward with your head held high and you will succeed.


Perpetual Beauty

Breathe in this energy-giving sunlight

You have access to this kind of perpetual beauty everyday.

The sun never fails to rise and set and we have that daily opportunity to enjoy its mesmerising energy and light of hope.

The sun exudes a special glow that hynotises the heart and soul. I dare you not to be breathtakingly inspired by its magical powers.

Life brings us the perfection of these gifts everyday and more often than not, we unintentionally dismiss them.

Promise yourself to breathe in this energy-giving sunlight before the darkness of the day falls upon you.

I’m captured, are you?


Deliver Everyday

Take charge of your thinking

Deliver everyday on becoming the best version of yourself.

Deliver by honouring your core values and serving your inner purpose.

Trust yourself to deliver on the things that matter to you and forge forward in the pursuit of your dreams.

Success is an accumulation of ‘doings’ aligned with your goals, that in time, manifests into your desired outcome.

Take charge of your thinking and channel your energies into a focussed and habitual manner that serves you well.

You won’t achieve what you want by delivering on this once or twice a week. Your success will be determined by the work you put in everyday and that is an absolute fact.

If you want to get real results, act accordingly and know the fruits of your labour will appear in good time.

Keep at it my friend.



Spring is coming

It’s your time to blossom.

Without growth, progression or expansion, life will feel like it is going backwards and that’s never a good direction to be going in.

Focus on moving forward and applying new learnings that will take you to where you want to go.

Be brave with your thinking and doing and immerse yourself in an environment that will help you prosper and thrive.

You have a choice, every moment of every day, to change things for the better. Keep your energy high, your body strong and your mental focus sharp.

Spring is coming and it’s your time to blossom.


Seek Harmony

The power of daily solitude

Seek harmony, see light.

Dance to the tune of life’s harmony and emerge in a new light.

Amongst the chaos of life, it can be difficult to find a sense of peace and tranquility. Honour thy honesty and harmony will breathe light.

Find a sense of peace through prayer, self-reflection and purpose.

For in the deepest of silence, our truth whispers like an inner thunder.

In moments of doubt, despair and dread, know that alone time, blended with quiet space, will induce a fresh sunlight into any dark day.

Keeping it moving all the time, might seem like a good idea but this may also lead to “messy movements”, which in turn, can create more damaging chaos.

After one’s silent time, we make the right moves and not before.

You owe yourself the power of daily solitude, silence and serenity.

Breathe in the light and emerge so much stronger.


True Blessing

Remember how special and unique you are

Life is a true blessing.

There is no greater gift than the gift of life but often we don’t appreciate this absolute miracle.

When times are tough, we often focus on how hard this is for us and we forget to see life’s beauty for what it truly is.

Remember how special and unique you are and no matter how difficult life gets, know you are so much stronger than any challenge that comes your way.

Stay you……always.



You are extra special

Stay aligned to your core values and your path will appear.

There are times in our lives when we can feel lost and you must know, this can be a very normal thing.

In times like these, allow your core values to be your inner guide. By doing this, you will never take a wrong path.

Know who you are and what you stand for, then take baby steps towards staying aligned to your true self.

Know that you are extra special in each and everyway.


Inner Peace

Expand your energies

As we grow, we find our inner peace.

When you grow, you expand your energies into new territories.

Focus on growth and this new found progression will create a certain kind of tranquility that is only matched with peace of mind.

I see you blossoming in the sun.



The ultimate challenge

The mountain top was never the challenge.

Self-mastery is a neverending challenge but when you make that your goal, everything else becomes so much easier.

Temptation to do or not to do surrounds us daily and that’s what makes self-mastery the ultimate challenge.

The mountain climber, the marathon runner, the world class swimmer, the champion cyclist etc.. are all on the path of self-mastery and it is often AFTER the great win that the real challenge begins.

If winning was the only end goal, life would lose true meaning – read that one again.

Remain in alignment with your core values and gain some real inner peace and quality of life.

I positively challenge you today.



Care about caring

If you care, you’ll get there.

Care about what you’re doing and where you’re going.

Care about the things that are important to you.

Care about caring and you’ll not only get there in a better way but you’ll be the better person for it.

Care because you want to.

I care that you are here and I am grateful.


The Beauty of Life

Never rush the process of life

Savour the beauty of life.

To get the best out of a joyful life and all its magical wonders, one must savour each beautiful moment.

Never rush the process of life and the abundance it offers you. Take time to relax in its self-healing powers and float in its waters of love.

Life is not a sprint to the finish line, it is a treasured, slow walk along the white sandy beach, soaking up the wonderful energies of the warm sunshine.

Baby steps will take you anywhere you want to go.



Let the world see you shine

Breathe in the colours of life.

You only have to look up to the sky to see beauty at its best.

You only have to feel with your heart to believe that you’re on the right path.

Be grateful for the abundance around you and offer out your love everyday.

You are special, unique and wonderful in every way – let the world see you shine.
